Bentar lagi ada Quiz ( which I always consider as a Test) for QMT. Woke up at 2 and do exercises never get me into that high level of confident answering my-soon-questions-to-be. Mohon Allah permudahkan kerja aku kejap lagi.
"Rabbi Yassir Wala Tu Assir" - Kak Ea gave this to me a little while ago. Katanya when you read this frequent, it will helps you whenever you having a blocking mind while answering exams.
"Wahaiyi Lanaa Min Amrina Rasyaada" Ya Allah swt kau permudahkan lah urusan ku... Macamtu laa maksud dia. 'copet' these words from Ma's desk. (a friend of mine here in Melaka). Baca those ayat masa keluar dari pintu rumah. Keep reciting it while you walking to class/exams. InshaAllah and I do always believe that it will works on me.
"To achieve anything requires Faith in Allah swt, belief in yourselves, imigination, vasion, persistance and hardwork" - Jannah On Mind @MueDeen.
"Differentiation is a key. Differentiation creates brand. Brand defines identity. Identity inspires loyalty.Loyalty builds influence." Mirza Yawar Baiq @shaikhyawar
Goodluck Syamira =D
gudluck babe! :)
goodluck sya! :D
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