Monday, April 15, 2013

how should i treat man? Teach me.

ini dari hati. sebab buku depan mata pun tak lalu nak serap as i think this too much. arguing with friends is really not my thangg. 

well the point is now, How should I treat man? Being too nice, salah. Being to kejam, salah. What should I be? A supporter? An adviser? or just a friend yg perhati dari jauh je ? No way! If you went wrong, I'm here to guide you back. If I went wrong, you responsible to heret me back to the right path. That's what we supposed to be right? 

If I'm giving you a suggestion, a nonstop suggestion like a bullet get the hell out from the gun- kenapa mesti nak rimas? Lelaki semua macam tu ke? 


Semakin tua semakin cepat terasa. Macam mana aku simpan berbulan rasa hampa dan sedih when a friend doesn't treat me right just because of one men-- macam itu jugalah aku rasa diri ini disalah anggap when my advise has turned to something annoying.  

They both are my siblings God forget to give. When people says bad things about them, aku juga turut rasa marah. Bila aku dapat apa yang mereka tidak- aku turut rasa serba salah. Bila kemana aku pergi wajah mereka aku sisip bersama- dikadang waktu. 

Konklusi, aku tidak sempurna. Malah mereka juga. Silap sekarang datangnya dari aku. Tidak pandai memahami dan tidak pernah ingin memahami. 

"Lihat dunia diluar lingkungan kau, walau sesusah mana kau pergi, diluar sana ada manusia lagi susah yang harus mereka hadapi syaa..."

You might act liddat because you concern but the other party would not feel the same.

Rambut sama hitam, hati- persepsi org lain lain.

Love Still!
Arun, Wani I miss having you both around! :'(
and sorry for not being such a Good Friend to you both.
Darn me. 

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