Wednesday, August 15, 2012

If only I can hug them all NOW.

that moment when all you want is FRIEND besides you.

Wani, Ayon, Moq (Dhia), Yayaaa, Kechik, Gomez, Yinyin, Labu and all! Aku jenis bila berkawan aku benar ikhlas dan sayang. One day is enough to make me love and appreciate someone as a friend. and now aku rinduu semua. I have no one to talk too. Talk too mama, Kakak would never be the same as I talk to my sayangss.

Ngadu kat Mama, "rinduuu dhiaa maa.." Mama: "kannn.. apa laa yaa buat tuu..."
Ngadu kat Mama. "wanii pun lamaa dh tak lepakk..." Mama: "kerjaaa, wani pun dah ada bofriend. biasa laatuu"
Me: " *sedihhh* tuu laa nak buat macam mana kan.. boyfriend mesti top 1. hurmm..."
Mama: .............................................
Me: .................................................

*masuk bilik*

Keep the heart stronger and face the world with Allah's bless syaa. That's good enuff.
*sedapkan hati*

Love Yous!

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