Haaaaaaaaaaa korang hado? Hado celebrate Birthday Gomez? Takdokannn. So better just shut up and read! Lols.
Lastweek on Friday, Me and Ain sebenarnya dah plan few weeks ago to celebrate Gomez's Birthday. Hehe. Masa tu baru firstweek of classes. Teringat Gomez's Birthday on September, tapi malangnya kami ni yang hampir meningkat ke usia sedikit 'tua' lupaa bila exact date birthday Minachi ni sorang. Haha. Penat brainstorm ke huluq hiliq at last, masa berbuka di Rumah Ain (First Week) aku mula operasi selongkar barang wani. hahaha without her knowing me selongkar the barang laaaaa! lols. At the end, waktu Minachi ni solat aku dapat check her birthday thru her IC!
Heheheheheh. Sweet Criminal.
Tapi malangnya kitaorang ni bukan lah kayo mana kan nak beli itu dan ini for her. A surprise dah cukup riteeee? Jadi kami pun kumpulkanlah all friends yg senang Jumaat lepas utk sesama Surprise kan dia. Hiks.
Location: The Garden, Jusco Bndaraya Melaka
Time: 12.00 pm
Agenda: Celebrating Gomez's Birthday
Two princess wearing that-HappyBirthday-Crown. Tapi which one is my Real Birthday Girl? Hehe
She is the sweetest
She is the smallest
She is the lightest
and She is Hazwani Ahmad =)
Saya, Ain and everyone who coming sayang angat angat kat awak!
*okay sudah jiwang*
Jom tengok Gambau!
Isma and Nina
Two Little Lullabies
Anum and Wani
Haaaaa mana berkenan? Moh moh pilihh pilihhhh. Lols
from left: Anum, Wani, Birthday Girl, Isma, Nina, Mira, Ain
we had quite a good celebration jugalah actually. the abang waiter gegeh layan kitorang. Dah lah kecoh tak ingat. Dengan sorang gelabah. Dengan sorang over loud. Dengan sorang non stop taking pictures. Dengan itu pusing plate kehuluq hiliq. hehe. Kalau dengan kitorang apa je yang tak gelabah? Lols. But the most important was, we really had fun! :D
If only Yaya and Babies Finance here to celebrate Wani's Birthday together kan? :( Was planning to do time Young Tau Fu time tapi tak jadi, awal sangat. Takut basi. Lulz, Plan celebrate w Finance's Members pun takjadi. Aigoooooooooooooooo
But all in all, Alhamdullillah. I am so happy when people around me happy. I felt so blessed :') Haha mengalahkan birthday girl kan happy I ni? Lololols.
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